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Writer's pictureCoffea


It’s been brought to my attention that the new process of the dating game is basically a form of test-driving. Men and women date you with the checklist in mind to see if you will be the perfect GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND. They have no intention on actually committing to you but want you to behave as if the position has been awarded to you.

*Pause – Let that sink in. They have no intention on actually committing to you but want you to behave as if the position has been awarded to you.

I’m not an expert but this process is ludicrous and a waste of time. Dating should not be an audition, especially if the person with the checklist brings only the plate to the table. Get in tune. Take a class. Change your surroundings because this will only get you what you “ask” for and not what you deserve.

photocred: Xan Griffin

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