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Writer's pictureShivonni Jenkins

The Benefits of eBooks

These days it seems like there are not enough hours in the day. We wake up every day and try to do it all. We must go to work, clean, take care of the kids, manage the household, cook, and more. You want to spend a few hours reading up on a new skill or want to advance your education for your current job, but you simply do not have time. One of the leading technological advances that we have today is access to electronic books or “eBooks.” Although some people are more traditional and prefer regular paperback books, there are many benefits to purchasing eBooks to up your skills.

The most important benefit to purchasing an eBook is the value of the investment. There is a range of available topics such as educational courses, business, instructional lists, and so much more. eBooks can be purchased one time and downloaded to your device so that you can go back and read your book as many times as you would like. No deadlines, no returns, and no late fees. Your books are yours to keep forever. The best part about electronic books is that you don’t have to worry about your purchase being damaged, lost, or forgotten. Once you have purchased your book, you can download it to all your devices or save it on your hard drive for later.

eBooks are very easily accessible. Purchasing an eBook is simpler than ordering food. After you hit, “pay”, usually you are immediately taken to a screen that gives you access to your book. No waiting to receive your item. Often, whoever you purchased the book from will send you a link via email also. Once your download is complete, access your book in a PDF file reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Office. Save your book to your phone so you can read on your break at work. Or save it to your desktop computer at home so you can expand each page to your desired size. Most eBooks do not require lots of file storage space. If you still need additional cloud storage, there are great free options available like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft One Drive. You will be more successful at learning or remembering new things when you can go back and reference the information easily.

Finally, one of the best benefits of eBooks is that they are printable when you need them! Got a difficult course that you want to dive deeper into? Print out a specific group of pages or print out the entire book. If you are not familiar with writing tools online such as highlighters and pens, printing the pages and physically doing this yourself will save you some trouble until you get familiar with your online tools. So no, eBooks aren’t giant files that take forever to download or that freeze up your computer. eBooks can be very helpful and are starting to become one of the leading investments that people make to advance themselves or increase their knowledge easily. Don’t get behind in your journey by being stuck on old learning methods. Try switching from traditional books to electronic books and watch how quickly you learn something new.

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