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First Name: Jabril

Last Name: Hart

Company: Devere Socks

Devere Socks offers the most unique and stylish products on the market. We provide products that are bold, adventurous, and express confidence. Our products are meant to draw attention and stand out from the norm.

Tell Us Why You Got Started: Starting a business offering unique men's and women’s socks was an idea that I felt was different. It was outside the norm and something I thought would make me a slightly different entrepreneur than others.

How Has 2020 Changed Your Business? 2020 has made me think of planning and exposure more. With the unpredictable of this year, I was forced to make challenging predictions of business sales and logistics.

Being an entrepreneur is ... not glitz and glamour. It is planning and developing a full feature-length film. While people on the outside only notice the preview.

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